§ 952.14. Pedestrian circulation.  

Latest version.
  • (1)

    Separation of vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Parking and loading areas, as well as driveways and other vehicular circulation areas, shall be clearly identified and separated from principal pedestrian routes through the use of curbs, pavement markings, planting areas, fences or similar features designed to promote pedestrian safety.




    All projects shall provide sidewalks and sidewalk improvements conforming to the requirements specified in the adopted bikeway and sidewalk plan, to the requirements in the applicable zoning district regulations, and to the sidewalk location requirements specified in Chapter 913, Subdivisions and Plats. For purposes of applying the location requirements of Chapter 913, Subdivisions and Plats, to site plan projects, the word "site" shall be substituted for the word "subdivision."

(Ord. No. 90-16, § 1, 9-11-90)